CommonBound 2018

Photo Credit: Kurt Hutchinson


CommonBound 2018
Harris-Stowe State University
June 22-June 24, 2018

On June 22-24, 2018, CommonBound brought together over 600 people with powerful visions for the future to answer the question: How will we own our power? The gathering connected a cross-section of community leaders, thinkers, and practitioners from around the world, including the New Economy Coalition’s 200-plus member organizations from throughout the US and Canada. Participants shared strategies and stories, built relationships, highlighted achievements, and charted a shared path toward a society that puts people and planet first.

Photo Credit: Kurt Hutchinson

Photo Credit: Kurt Hutchinson

Takeaways from CommonBound 2018

"CommonBound 2018 was one of the most powerful conferences I've ever experienced. It felt like a big family reunion. You may not know, like, or agree with everyone. And absolutely everyone has a place. It was magical and multi-layered, a beautiful moment of coming together across difference to build a shared vision of liberation, joy and justice."
- Hnin Hnin, Cooperative Food Empowerment Directive (CoFed)

"Commonbound is like no other conference you have ever been to. People have real conversations, are vulnerable with each other, and face the world head on. This is a place to open your mind to what our future could really be like, and to all the things we do have that we are missing out on now due to cultural norms and values. Thinking about how art, feminism, and culture can be a backbone to lift us up instead of an afterthought in our communities was a really big takeaway for myself, and I plan to carry that with me forever."
- Rachel Norton, MACED

"Making Relatives all weekend long ~ SolUtion ReVolUtion! This is what community looks and feels like."
- Basmin Nadra, Solidarity Economy St. Louis

"It was reinvigorating to learn about all the exciting solidarity economy work all of you are doing around the US, Canada and Puerto Rico.  I left with a sense of hope that slowly, but steadily, we are building the institutions and culture that will allow us to realize our wildest dreams."
- Francisco Perez, Center for Popular Economics

Learn more at and check out a fuller recap by New Economy Coalition.

Julia Ho